Last post
Hello everybody, today I going to write my last post on this blog... It was an excellent experience because we had the opportunity to get to know the common interests of our classmates. I'd never done this (write weekly about my experiences or my tastes) and I think it was entertaining because at the first time I was so awkward and over time it became less and less complicated (although I still find it hard to find the words to express the ideas that come to my mind). Maybe in the future years, I'm going miss do this type of tasks that help me to learn another language in an interactive way, and at the same time, this course helps me improve my semester grade point average. Well, like an extra (because is a thing that called my attention) I realized that a large part of the bloggers of our course used their username of Instagram to put it in the web address of their page. -and if you're interested, "koettur" is supposed to mean cat in I don't know w...