Jackson Galaxy 馃悎馃挄

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Today I'm gonna talk about Jackson Galaxy, my favorite expert on cats.

His first name was Richard Kirschner until he changes it to Jackson Galaxy when he was twenty years old.

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He's the host of the show "My cat from hell" and I admire him because he is a sweet person when is doing his job with the cats, everybody can see how much he loves the animals.

Although he is not a veterinarian, I think he does his job very well and gives everything to help the rest, because his love for these wonderful animals (cats, obviously) began because he helped in a shelter for abandoned kittens; he was so moved that he realized that he had to devote himself completely to helping those who had problems with their pets and make everyone finally happy.

Well, in my opinion, there should be more veterinarians with the willingness to help that he has, and less interested only in money (because we're never safe from them).

- I love his tv program because I'm in love with cats haha-


  1. I REALLY LOVE TO WATCH HIS PROGRAM TOO!! He really enjoys his work and transmits it through the screen :D


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