A piece of my boring life 馃樅

A beautiful mistake  馃挌

I was born in a hospital of Santiago, a 15th of July in the year 1999
-I was a mistake of my parents, but they love me too (well, they don't have another choice)-
I always lived here, because I don't have family in other countries so we don't move to this place.

When I was a little girl, I don't have many friends, because we (my parents an I) don't remain in the same house over the years, we move constantly to other places to have a better quality of life; so I was always in different schools.

I have a big family, is made up of two brothers and a sister (Dante, Noelia and Baltasar), they are the babies of the house, but sometimes I don't tolerate their screams; well, I live with my parents too, so we are six persons living in a little house but is a place with too much love.


In this picture, Momo and Pitu didn't come to my life yet.

I really love cats and that is why I have so many of them, Alicia, Rucio, Negra, Plomo, Momo, and Pitu, they are my babies and one of the reasons why I'm studying this.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. awww~ your siblings and your cats looks so cute <3 you'll be an excellent doctor for all of your kitties and also, I hope to see a Momo & Pitu's photo soon ;)

  3. what a big family!! your cats are so cute, I love them!


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